Welcome to our server guidelines ! We ask that you review the guidelines carefully. If you have further questions you can always ask the admins for clearer clarification. Everything that the server requires will be listed here.

๐‘บ๐‘ฌ๐‘น๐‘ฝ๐‘ฌ๐‘น ๐‘น๐‘ผ๐‘ณ๐‘ฌ๐‘บ & ๐‘ช๐‘ถ๐‘ผ๐‘น๐‘ป๐‘ฌ๐‘บ๐’€.
Age Limit & Content - You must be 18+ in order to join this server. Under no circumstances do we accept minors. If we find out you've been lying about your age we will ban you from this server.
Literacy - We are a literate role-play server and ask that you're able to keep posts coherent with an adequate amount of detail to progress a scene. Proper punctuation and a minimum of two paragraphs is expected.Toxicity - This server will not tolerate any real life drama, bullying and toxicity of any kind. You may be kicked / banned if rules are broken.No judgement zone - This server is welcoming and friendly to everyone! We are LGBTQ friendly and welcome you no matter your sex, identity, gender or race. Any disrespect of any kind will be dealt with and can result in a ban.

๐‘ฎ๐‘ผ๐‘ฐ๐‘ซ๐‘ฌ๐‘ณ๐‘ฐ๐‘ต๐‘ฌ๐‘บ ๐‘ช๐‘ถ๐‘ต๐‘ป...Pings - Please don't come into server getting annoyed that you're getting pinged or make unreasonable demands. I'm sure you're busy and have a lot to do, but we can't make exceptions. Our announcements may alert everyone when we need to update. Your character in role-play will also get pinged. Sometimes, it can be someone simply wanting to show you a picture or mentioning you. IT HAPPENS. If it really bothers you, this may not be the server for you. Understand with a server that may have a lot of members, we may not be able to account for everyone โ€” therefore we'll call out the server as a whole so no one is out of the loop on what's going on.โ€” You have the ability to edit your own notifications. Adjust it to your liking, but do not demand us to adjust soley for you. We do our best to limit to important subject matters in hopes to build an engaging community and not bombard you unless we have to.Topics - Keep sensitive subject matters out of the ooc-chat. No mention of politics and religion as we have people from all walks of life here and don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable. We may limit topics regarding COVID or the vaccine as this may start debates between people; the topic is okay, but if we see it starting a debate or criticizing other peoples belief then we will interfere. Although we want people to engage, we do want refrain from argumentative topics in the real world. Any mentions of these topics will be shut down immediately.โ€” **Remember! **
We're role-playing, we want to escape the real world, not bring it into our escape.
Channels - If you are easily overwhelmed by servers with a lot of channels, this may not be the place for you; however, I do ask that you give us a try! I understand how scary it is and how cliquey some servers can be, but our goal is to welcome everyone and HELP get you established into a fun role-play environment and community. After a week if you're not vibin', we understand and wish you the best on your writing endeavors! :)


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Shipping - There are no issues with shipping/character relationships, but itโ€™s only encouraged if both parties consent to the pairing. We have created a channel where you can update your shipping information and even roles that you can assign yourself. If you have no plans on wanting to ship, then there are specific roles for that as well. Just never assume if someone plays your canon pairing that they want the ship and do not pressure anyone. It never hurts to start the conversation to understand where the other person stands โ€” but forcing it is where the issue is.
ERP/Smut - This follows with the following rule above with consent. We do not allow smut in the server. You are allowed to imply and fade to black, but we ask that you take that part of the role-play into your dms. Just make sure you confirm with your partner if they want to go there โ€” even if their role implies they 'prefer' it, just confirm that it's okay before assuming and continuing that writing elsewhere. We are an adult server, but that is writing we feel is best in a private setting.Trigger Warnings - You will list any TW that you may have under mun rules. If you listed a trigger warning, an admin will put a role on you that will advise members that you have a trigger warning. Please understand we may not be able to prevent scenes that may bother other members of this group. We ask all writers when writing a scene that may contain potentially troubling scenes that they check the TW of those around them and either black out the text or make a tw note. Due to the nature of this server content, there may be moments that are triggers for some, but not for others. Please refrain from reading a post that has a warning if you will be potentially bothered by that content.

๐‘น๐‘ผ๐‘ณ๐‘ฌ๐‘บ ๐‘ช๐‘ถ๐‘ต๐‘ป๐‘ฐ๐‘ต๐‘ผ๐‘ฌ๐‘ซ...
Roleplay Structure - The role-play goes by a chapter sequence and is not thread-based. Any stories that occur within the role-play are current. We have options for separate story-lines such as, past/side roleplay, informal roleplay, houses and quests. This can be further explained in roleplay breakdown.
Character Limit - We value well thought of original characters and therefore we feel it's best to at least have a limit on how many characters you can have OC wise. You can have up to 10 originals, but there is no limitation on canons as long as you do not go over 40 characters; that is our cap for characters to help stories keep flowing. Just remember that you may not always be approved. We will keep track of your activity. Do not request more characters than you can handle. As for the verse itself, you can't have more than 8 canons for one specific verse. Upon joining the server, you may start with up to three muses. An application is always required to join the server, but once approved we don't require applications just that you complete your biographies for your character.Characters from the same series - When picking up characters, please refrain from picking up characters that correlate to one another TOO closely. There are some exceptions here, but more often than not your request will be denied. (A good example would be I picked up Deku from MHA and also All Might. Two characters are too close in interaction it just doesn't work).OOC VS RP - This is a role-play server first. The ooc channel is there to interact with the other writers of this server, but it's not the primary use of it. We value writing and will not keep members in the server if they're not actively participating in the role-play. The only time we put writers in the community is because they've been around for a long time and maybe are unable to write at that time so they lost their role-play role. **Sometimes **we'll drop you in community to see if you want to pick back up after losing your characters later, but if there is no action from you we will eventually remove you from the server all together.We never want role-play to become a job and that's why we do our best to work with our members who may need more time, but you have to understand without rules for activity a server may die due to inactivity. Never take on more than you can handle. This server requirements for activity may not be for everyone, but we do feel that giving you 30 days is a fair amount of time to post.God Mode/Meta Gaming: We don't want to see you god-modding anyone. This is a role-play server more than it's a battle/d&d server; as of now, fights are fluid/discussed and we don't have a 'fight' system. I ask you to respect the story. You are more than welcome to ask questions, but if you start bashing the story, over-stepping and causing a nuisance IC and OOC, you will be kicked. There's a difference between your questions helping the story improve and ridiculing the server. We always welcome new ideas, but don't be rude about it.As a reminder - Any broken rules will get you pulled by the admins for a discussion. Some of these circumstances may cause you to be kicked or banned from the server. Please respect the server rules, admins and other members in this group. Thank you!


We check activity on a monthly basis.We understand that many have lives, but do understand that a lack of consistent activity can also kill a server. Just communicate with us so we can accommodate if you need more time. You have a 30 day window to post from when a reply is sent to you. If you miss that window and do not communicate with the admins to let us know if more time was needed or if something came up โ€” you can be dropped / lose your characters.If you hold someone up for three weeks that person can request to either move your role-play to past or leave the scene. We just ask that you communicate with your partner if put in this position. If they don't respond to your request after a few days, reach out to an admin and we can give the okay. Some people are much faster in their responses than others. Don't expect a reply immediately. This server has a 30 day window with a three week request to break scene โ€” people have lives and they're busy. Don't rush. For those that have less characters, it may mean they'll want faster interactions which is okay, but just be mindful of the person's mun rules and what their pacing is.If their pacing says two weeks for a reply โ€” honor that or choose not to write with them if you're impatient, but again we are lenient in these regards because we know people can't always post right away and want to give them time to do that while still enjoying a hobby.Please check mun updates because if someone is replying slower than normal they'll usually update to let you know why. We're big on communication โ€” it can go a long way. We're all humans. We know people have school, families, work and other important things going on in their lives so we try to remain flexible when things come up, but we just ask that you don't abuse this server's leniency or kindness.There does come a point where we too will have to say enough is enough and may recommend that you go into community until your activity get's better.We understand life happens. Maybe you've gone through something life changing, a recent loss, etc. We do allow members to request a HIATUS. This gives you 30 days to be excused from your stories without losing your musesโ€” but do understand, if you choose hiatus the person you're writing with can break the roleplay and move their character. Upon the 30 day hiatus time, you will have two weeks to re-debut your characters or they will be released for others. We will make exceptions because we know certain reasons are more vital than others, but if you're holding characters and not utilizing them when others may want them then it's unfair to those who are active or new members that do join.If you ask for multiple hiatus at a time, then at that point we encourage you to move to community until your activity can manage a server like this. We are very lenient on posting, but we can't continue being too lenient where the server dies from a lack of activity and a hoarding of popular muses. So please keep this in mind โ€” of course, we are more willing to give more time for those who are active. Just communicate with us.Thank you. Again, this is intended to be fun ! And we just want the best for our server and our members to remain interested in the stories they write.


Based off what weโ€™ve seen on adds and drops โ€” not only in our server, but most servers, we do believe in having stricter guidelines to help keep the flow. We do understand people want to pick up characters to see how they enjoy them, but itโ€™s unfair for your partners that you abandon who put the effort in their responses to you just to be dropped once your interest/muse is no longer there.Your loss of muse damages someone else's muse and we need to be mindful of this. Weโ€™ve all been guilty of this and moving forward I want to make sure we have something in place that would be fairer due to the fact that we donโ€™t have a character CAP.

Members with less than 10 characters:
โ–  Members in this rank can swap characters without any general penalties. If you want to drop one character and add another, you can. If we notice this being a reoccurring theme, we will put a 14 day cool down on you.
Members with 11-20 characters:
โ–  Members in this rank will have a 7 day cool down between every drop or add; depending on how frequent this if for you, it can be extended to a 14 day cool down.
Members with 21+ characters:
โ–  Due to the vast amount of characters in this memberโ€™s possession, the rules for dropping/swapping are stricter. For every drop or swap you make, there will be a 30 day cool down; however, adds are still 7 day cool down between each pick up.
We do understand that different circumstances could occur that could make you lose your character โ€”* it can be an activity issue, your loss or muse or you may have dropped them for some reason in the past*. If you choose to pick them up for the second time and choose to drop them again or lose them due to inactivity then the character will be lost to you and can no longer be requested by you in the future. We want you to really think before dropping a character to avoid being in this position.

In order to grab additional characters, the following is required:
โ–  All your muses have been debuted/showing activity in the server.
โ–  All biographies are completed for all of your characters.
โ–  There are no cool downs / holds on you.
You would essentially submit your request in character request & await approval. Depending on the following, your request can take longer, but it would put the character on hold for you until character would be granted.